大部分導師均由香港或海外著名音樂學院畢業,如香港大學、香港浸會大學、香港演藝學院、Berklee College of Music、Musicians Institute Hollywood(MI)、Los Angeles Music Academy(LAMA)等,擁有十年以上教學經驗。
擁有超過十年教學年資,是一個高要求的專業音樂人和結他老師。P從16開始修習結他,已通過Rock School Pro Zone 八級考試和皇家音樂學院的五級樂理考試。他肄業於GIT音樂學院並獲得結他表演音樂學位。P師從知名的爵士樂結他手︰分別師從Bruce Buckingham學習拉丁演奏風格;師從Sid Jacobs and Jamie Findlay學習爵士樂編作技巧;師從David Oakes學習即興彈奏技巧等等,畢業後P致力投身音樂教育事業。
長達18年教學經驗, 於美國著名音樂學院 Musicians Institute, Percussion Institute of Technology(PIT)畢業, 擅長教授不同drum styles, reading, playing technique 及 groove development 等技巧 .師從知名鼓手Jeff Boweders (Paul Gilbert御用鼓手), Ray Luzier (Korn), Chuck Silverman (Latin's Master). 持有英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院流行鼓8級證書(Distinction), 香港第一本popular music << DRUM GROOVE>>著者,亦於中學及大學任教drum set class
曾為慈山寺、Boston ALEA III 室樂團、香港芭蕾舞團《悟了個空》、前進進戲劇工作坊《後殖民食神之歌》、團劇團 X 黑目鳥劇團《一人無方》撰寫原創音樂。近年積極參與劇場音樂創作並擔任Kearen Pang Production X 寰亞娛樂有限公司《騷眉勿擾》音樂總監、榞劇場《在牛池灣轉角遇上彩虹》音樂總監。曾合作歌手包括:周筆暢、盧巧音、謝安琪、張繼聰、王菀之、何超儀、李玟、方皓玟等。
2010年獲得獎學金進入了伯克利音樂學院作曲系,受教於蕭士塔高維奇門下學生雅科夫 · 古巴諾夫。
曾於Musicians Institute 獲頒發Outstanding Stylist Award.
Tsui Chin Hung is a composer and guitarist. He has studied music from different cultures and has worked as a composer for various media. He collaborated with director Ricky Hayashi by writing original scores for Tsz Shan Monastery and had been appointed as composer for Boston ALEA III Contemporary Music Ensemble, On and On Theatre Workshop "Postcolonial God of Food". His recent appointments as music director and composer included, Kearen Pang Production & Media Asia Music "45mins Soulmate", Radix Troupe "The Accidental Rainbow" (2017), Hong Kong Ballet "Empty Awakening" (2018), New Force in Motion Series: Moha (2018). Besides leading his own group, he has performed with many renowned artists, including Zhou Bichang, Candy Lo, Kay Tse, Louis Cheung, Ivana Wong, Josie Ho, Coco Lee, Fong Ho Man.
Tsui studied at the Musicians Institute and later received the Outstanding Stylist Award. Graduated from the Berklee College of Music, where he was admitted on a scholarship major in composition.
Tonyi 伍棟賢
香港美國洛杉磯Musicians Institute 進修
主唱 作曲 填詞 編曲 製作 |
樂器 結他 電子琴 |
深受英式搖滾 R&B |
Hip Hop Jazz 等風格影響 |
喜歡歌手 Bruno Mars |
Jon Mclaughlin |
Jamie Cullum |
Craig David Coldplay |
Ellie Goulding |
The Script |
E arth Wind & Fire One OK Rock Sara Bareilles陳綺貞...
2014「從滿是 石頭的地 方出發」 香港個 人 音樂會@Full Cup Cafe
2014 |
香港 青年藝術節 – 365 樂隊 馬拉松
2014 「從滿是 石頭的地 方出發」台灣個 人 音樂會兩場
台北河岸留 言 桃園 ThHERE CAFÉ & LIVE HOUsE
2014 |
以獨 立 音樂 人出發 與 自 己樂隊 方式演出
2014 |
楊丹娜專輯主打 曲詞編制作 內地公司 澳嘉娛樂
2013 |
咪咕 音樂辦 華語詞曲 大賽唱作組 季軍
2013 |
獨 立組合 熊貓團 首張專輯 主打「Shining Shining」編曲
2013 |
江蘇綜藝頻道 第 一屆海峽兩岸情歌會
2012 |
遼寧衛視 第 二季激情唱响 全國 十 二強 TRI 組合隊 長
2012 |
作曲「換季 生活」收錄在 香港歌 手 李幸倪專輯
2011 |
香港商業電台「 走出 山寨」訪問
2011 |
香港天 比 高創作夥伴主辦 英師傅「圍你 音樂會」開場嘉賓
2011 |
香港 民建聯製作 辛亥 革命紀念影 片 配樂
2011 |
與 香港詩 人 陸穎 魚合作「禮物」 一曲 台北國際書展發佈
2010 |
香港創價學會辦 和平 音樂會 三場演出
2010 |
美國好萊塢星光 大道Green Room 個 人 音樂會
(Green Room, on Hollywood Boulevard ,CA)
2009 |
美國加州羅蘭港(Rowland Height)四季廣場跨年晚會
2006 |
第三屆 香港 青年 音樂祭冠軍 (現在 香港漫畫節Heart Beat 比賽 |
2019年畢業於美國音樂學院Musicians Institute ,主修Drums Performance。
擅長Jazz、Rock、Latin、Fusion、Boosa Nova等音樂類型。
師隨爵士大師Jason Harnell及知名鼓手Fred Dinkins、Ana Barreiro、Tim McIntyre等等。
本土樂隊Sea of Tranquility鼓手,擁有豐富演出經驗,包括在台灣及日本演出,香港wownflutter,APA sunset concert,The Fringe Club(藝穗會),蒲吧等知名音樂埸地表演。同時曾為陀地歌姬Serrini擔任鼓手。
深受日本音樂文化影響,包括椎名林檎、東京事變、X Japan、One Ok Rock、J.A.M、SoilnPimpsSessions、toe、fox capture plan等等
香港獨立創作女歌手,在皇家音樂學院考獲8級鋼琴,曾於TVB MUSIC CAFE ,春吶音樂節2011 ,勁歌金曲和台中音樂節2011作表演嘉賓.主力教授流行鋼琴,古典鋼琴,唱歌技巧和作曲,資歷超過十年.迪子曾與著名歌手官恩娜,吳浩康,區文詩和李佳薇合作演奏作品.另外, 迪子亦曾接受TVB 東張西望,音樂工房,都市閒情和電台881903 早霸王,叱吒樂壇等音樂節目訪問.迪子從小熱愛音樂,在2011年包辦自己個人大碟<<愛幻想>>全碟的作曲,作詞,監制.亦為在2014年獨唱及合唱版的<<流浪記>>.她表示自己最醉心於Soul Music , R&B ,Rock 的曲風,喜歡搖滾的椎名林樆和清新的IU.
To educate students by conveying knowledge as well as providing musical experiences. Also seek opportunities to be part of the team, contributing to a well-established music centre to success, offering an all-rounded music education cirriculum.
Experienced in teaching jazz piano and music theory
Thorough understaning of different musical concepts and genres
Ability to work with different students according to their strengths and weaknesses
Strong at conveying complicated musical concepts in short and simple phrases
Taught individual piano lessons in both London and Hong Kong
Set up jazz piano and music theory classes in various music centres
Performed in different venues, such as Ronnie Scott’s, Vortex in London, and Peel Fresco and Freespace Happening in Hong Kong
Curated gigs and workshops at various venues in Hong Kong, such as Contemporary Musician Music Centre, Orpheus Music Centre etc.
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance (2014-2018, London)
Bachelor of Music, major in jazz piano performance, minor in composing and arranging (Honours)
Core Skills:
Piano performance
Teaching piano and music theory
Composing and arranging
Proficient in (written) Chinese, English; (spoken) Cantonese, Mandarin, English
一名充滿熱誠的流行鼓導師,擁有6年教學經驗.曾師從著名歌手方大同的御用鼓手1李一丁,容祖兒音樂班底之鼓手黃偉然和本地樂隊大頭佛細威.Jacky 考獲Rockschool Grade 8 ,並獲優異成績,更考獲Rockschool Diploma Level 4 成績. Jacky 更帶自己的樂隊Savage Voice 分別於LiveHouse,HiddenAgenda,蒲窩及蒲吧作演出. Jacky 亦曾為Savage Voice參與「Metal A」大碟的製作.Jacky 最喜愛的曲風包括Metal , Funk , Pop 和Rock .他最欣賞的樂隊是Lamb of God 和Whitechapel.
畢業於香港演藝學院音樂系,主修聲樂。師承著名女高音徐慧研習聲樂,及隨馮夏賢小姐研習音樂劇及流行曲。隨後遠赴英國跟隨Anne-Marie研習Estill Voice Training 歌唱理論,現為自由表演者及聲樂導師,包括合唱指揮、藝術歌曲、音樂劇、流行曲以及為音樂劇任聲樂指導等。2009年與多位歌唱家成立無伴奏合唱組合ONES。現擔任香港兒童合唱團中級組助理主任。
參與指導作品包括《夢幻愛程》、小莎翁之英語劇《仲夏夜之夢》、The Eduarts Word Wrap Chorus與香港小交響樂團《詞樂樂》、DG House《奪夢遊戲2-離留物語》、演戲家族《車你好冇》、春天舞台《仙樂飄飄處處聞》、 Grand Jete《寶石奇緣》、pop theatre 《show名係最難諗架》《貝貝的文字冒險》、結界達人《好時光》、結界達人x陋室五月「Zu & Pi如果你有《頃刻風景》」、香港舞蹈團《星期六的秘密》、港樂《音樂劇電影音樂會》、演戲家族 《仲夏夜之夢》《愛情漫曼谷》《一水南天》、中英劇團《巴打修女騷一SHOW!》、香港話劇團《祝你女途愉快》、利希慎基金《奮青樂與路》首演及重演。
演出作品包括香港舞蹈團《八樓平台別‧留‧夢》、天邊外劇場《小城風光》《地獄行》、劇場空間《點點隔世情》(首演及重演)、DG House《奪夢遊戲2-離留物語》、不加鎖舞踊館《Whatever》及《R仔漂流記》、咪嚤音樂劇團《怪獸國王灰姑娘》、演戲家族《車你好冇》及《一屋寶貝》、演戲家族 x香港小交響樂團《一屋寶貝音樂廳》、結界達人《好時光》、pop theatre 《沒有人造衞星相撞的夜空》第一屈華文音樂劇節之演出,一舖清唱《大殉情》首演、重演及台灣香港週演出等。
Roy Cheng (Guitarist)
Roy Cheng was born in Hong Kong.He studied at Musicians Institute in Hollywood, USA in Associate Degree of Art in Guitar Performance. It was sure that he had a fruitful learning during his schooling and was followed Daniel Gilbert,Brad Rabuchin and Dale Turner for private tutorials.
He came back to Hong Kong in 2009 and has been being a guitarist and performer in bars, hotels and even some specials events namely wedding parties.
Miss Tsang Ga Hang, Grace started her music journey at the age of 4 and developed her passion in violin and piano under Ms. Katherine Huang and the late Prof. Wong Wai Ming. She thereafter participated in countless performances and charity shows while winning places in various competitions such as the Ms Barbara Fei Instrumental Scholarship and the Hong Kong Strings Scholarship. She was admitted a Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music in violin performance and an Associate of Trinity College London in piano recital with distinction in 2005 and 2004 respectively.
Apart from solo performance, Miss Tsang accumulated plentiful choral, chamber and orchestral experience in her study in the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, St. Paul's Co-educational Primary School, Diocesan Girls' School and the University of Hong Kong as concertmistress, music prefect, singer and multi-instrumentalist. In 2010, Miss Tsang started teaching violin, viola, piano and music theory while expanding her musical spectrum by composing, arranging and performing in both classical and pop music scene. In the last year, she has performed more than 60 shows as a pop pianist and band keyboardist in restaurants and shopping malls. She is currently a freelance musician and teacher, an active member of cover band Six Degrees and a regular player in the Hong Kong Festival Orchestra.
曾嘉恒四歲開始學習鋼琴及小提琴,自幼就讀香港演藝學院,追隨鋼琴家黃明憲女士及已故弦樂家黃衛明教授,十五歲時以優異成績考獲英國皇家音樂學院LRSM小提琴演奏文憑及倫敦聖三一學院ATCL鋼琴演奏文憑。曾氏從小參與多元化音樂演出,包括合唱團、室內樂、管弦樂團,更多次擔任團長、首席琴手及獨奏者,亦活躍於香港校際音樂節等比賽,無論個人及團體都獲獎無數,其中包括費明儀女士樂器獎學金及Hong Kong Strings獎學金。2010年曾氏開始執教小提琴、中提琴、鋼琴及樂理,並且擴闊音樂圈子至創作、改編及演出流行、爵士、現代及電子等不同類型作品,過去一年於演奏廳、商場、餐廳等地方演出超過六十場。現時乃樂隊Six Degrees的成員及香港節慶樂團的樂手。
專業結他手及唱作人,畢業於美國洛杉磯現代音樂學院(Musicians Institute College of Contemporary Music) 結他系。擁有豐富的 錄音,演唱會樂手,獨立藝人樂手,作曲,編曲,教學經驗。現為美國洛杉磯現代音樂學院著音樂助教,台灣環球音樂作曲人, 香港作曲家及作詞家協會會員(Cash)。
Teddy is a Professional guitarist and singer songwriter, graduated from Musicians Institute College of Contemporary Music. Recording, Concert, song writing, arranging, and teaching experienced. Now I am working as a teaching assistant Musicians Institute College of Contemporary Music, Song Writer of Universal Music Taiwan, and member of Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (Cash).
Jason Chen 2016 至今
第五季娛樂公司(Jade Entertainment) 2015 至今
Christie Huff (獨立藝人) 2015 至今
Daniel Gonzalez Sobrino (簽約藝人) 2015
金蕾 Lei Lei (獨立藝人) 2015 至今
AVL Production 2015 至今
House LA 2015 至今
AnK Entertainment 2014 至今
段麗陽 2015 至今
跳蛋工廠 X Entertainment 作曲人 (環球台灣) 2015 至今
• X Entertainment 的簽約作曲人
美國洛杉磯現代音樂學院 (Musicians Institute College of Contemporary Music) 2015 至今
• 學院音樂助教(結他,錄音,現場表演,控音系)
香港作曲家及作詞家協會會員 (Cash) 2013 至今
私人結他教授 2011 至今
超過8年教學經驗,主要教授古典鋼琴、伴奏、聽力視唱訓練及樂理。曾於中文大學專業進修學院修讀鋼琴演奏及教學高等文憑;師從奧地利鋼琴家楊習禮先生、及天津音樂學院老師吳清山先生;並兩次以優異成績(Distinction)考獲英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院鋼琴演奏一、二級學士學位(ATCL/LTCL) 。
早年,亦有同時在Backstage、The Fringe Club(藝穗會) 、M1 Bar等知名酒吧及音樂埸地表演流行音樂。
黃永傑(傑sir)有8年教授電結他,木結他的經驗及3年教授UKULELE經驗,曾教香港音樂進修中心及西九龍家長聯會教授電結他,木結他和UKULELE.在2006oa2考獲ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5,在2007年5月考獲Trinity College London rock school Grade8 Guitar,繼而於2007年12月考獲Trinity College London rock school Grade8 Guitar performance.演出經驗方面,傑sir 曾參與青暉婦女會主辦大型音樂會及各類小型音樂表演. 傑Sir 最愛的音樂類型是POP,ROCK,BLUES,JAZZ,FUNK,BALLAD;而最喜愛的樂手包括robben ford,larry carlton,george bensonx japan,jamiroquai,fourplay.
Over 6 years of teaching and experience
professional piano accompaniment
holder of Associateship Diploma from Trinity College London in Piano Recital with Distinction
holder of Trinity College London Grade 8 Theory with Merit
holder of Trinity College London Grade 8 Bassoon with Distinction
Teaching Focus: classical and pop piano styles, sight-reading, aural skills, music theory, music history etc.
有五年教授流行鼓的經驗,深受小朋友和成人學生歡迎.KY SIR更考獲Trinity Guildhall Drum Grade 8和ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5亦曾獲邀在本校學生演唱會表演
低音大提琴樂手,在香港和國內演出超過十年。2003年赴英國利茲音樂學院深造,主修低音大提琴,跟隨英國低音大提琴家 Stuart Riley、作曲家Graham Hearn博士、挪威小號家Didrik Ingvaldsen等研習演奏、作曲和即興演奏。留英期間,呂為多個不同爵士樂團演奏低音大提琴,包括Tony Faulkner的六重奏樂團 、Ronnie Bottomley的七重奏樂團和Stuart Riley的八重奏樂團。呂也帶領自己的樂團Missing Pieces和Juju 於不同音樂項目中演出,如英國廣播公司廣播電台第三台舉辦的FUSE 音樂節等。2006年,呂以甲等演奏成績畢業。
呂氏創作多元化,樂曲包括樂器獨奏、小型和中型樂團合奏、爵士大樂團合奏、弦樂四重奏和管弦樂團合奏,類型涵蓋搖滾、放克、現代爵士、當代音樂和實驗音樂。呂氏作品曾由Didrik Ingvaldsen指揮的Composer’s Orchestra演奏, 樂團匯聚多位專注現代爵士和實驗音樂的古典樂手和爵士樂手,演出風格前衛。
呂回港後一直與他的樂隊the trio演出原創音樂。2006年加入“無界樂人”成為樂團成員,獲康樂及文化事務署社區文化大使計劃邀請,於各區巡迴演奏。 2009年絲綢之路藝術節,為“瘋祭舞台”製作的《大路西遊2之公審三藏》現場配樂。呂至今仍與不同樂手合作,參與各類型演出。
Lui has been working as a musician since 1999,performing with different bands around Hong Kong and other regions in China. He moved to the UK in 2003 and studied jazz in Leeds College of Music, where he majored in double bass performance and composition. He studied with British bassist Stuart Riley in double bass, composer and lecturer Dr. Graham Hearn in composition, and Norwegian trumpet player DidrikIngvaldsen in improvisation and composition. During his time in the UK, Lui performed with various jazz ensembles as a double bassist including Tony Faulkner’s Sextet, Ronnie Bottomley’s Septet and Stuart Riley’sOctet. He led his own groups Missing Pieces and Jujuand performed in events such as BBC Radio 3 FUSE Music Festivals. In 2006 he graduated with an exceptional 1st class award in performance.
Lui composed music for solo instrument, small and medium ensembles, jazz big bands, strings quartets and large orchestras, with settings ranging from rock and funk to modern jazz, contemporary and experimental music. His works were performed by Composers’ Orchestra, an avant-garde musical ensemble conducted by Didrik Ingvaldsen, which consists of a large group of classical and jazz musicians focusing on contemporary jazz and experimental music.
Lui currently stays in Hong Kong, performing and composing original music with his band the trio. He has also been touring with John Chen Ensemble under LCSD’s Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme since 2006. In the 2009 Silk Road Arts Festival, he played in the live band supporting Theatre Fanatico’s production Heading West 2. Lui continues to play extensively in collaboration with different musicians in Hong Kong.